2023-2028, Horizon Europe RIA DOMINO . Harnessing the microbial potential of fermented foods for healthy and sustainable food systems.

Funded by the European Union, DOMINO is focused on the fascinating intersection of fermented foods, the gut microbiome, and human health. The project aims to leverage the microbial diversity of fermented foods to improve their sustainability and propose healthy diet recommendations.Coordinated by Micalis institute, three metasimfood teams are involved in this large project which gather 19 partners from 10 European countries. (website to be released soon). 




2023-2030, Ferments of the Future Great Challenge.

Most Metasimfood partners are connected to this important National Initiative which aims to accelerate research and innovation on ferments and fermented foods in the next 10 years. It will mainly focus on 1) food microbiota / food matrix interactions, 2) food microbiota / host microbiota interactions, 3) innovative fermentation process and 4) data science and automation for biodiversity exploration. More informations at: https://fermentsdufutur.hub.inrae.fr/




2021-2025, EU COST action PIMENTO : Promoting Innovation of ferMENTed fOods.

Metasimfood parners are active participants of this network, the long-term goal of which is to place Europe at the spearhead of innovation on microbial foods, promoting health, regional diversity, local production at different scales. More informations at: https://fermentedfoods.eu/




2021-2024, EU ITN e-MUSE : Complex microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale modElling: mechanistic and data driven approaches integration.

Sayfood parners is coordinating the e-MUSE project. E-MUSE aims to develop innovative modelling methodologies to improve knowledge about complex biological systems and to control and/or predict their evolution by combining artificial intelligence and systems biology. More informations at: https://www.itn-emuse.com/




2020-2023, ANR EVOLOWINE : Selection of efficient malolactic Oenococcus oeni strains.

UMR oenology partner is coordinating this project which aims at setting experimental evolution of the wine-associated bacterium Oenococcus oeni in extreme environments: applications to the selection of improved malolactic starters. Summary available at: https://anr.fr/Project-ANR-20-CE20-0008




2020-2023, FLEGME project : a multi-actor citizen science project on fermented vegetables.

CIRM BIA partner is coordinating this project, the objective of the which is to create a network of actors around the theme of vegetable fermentation and to answer collectively and in a participative way to these scientific questions. It aims to lay the foundations for a safe and documented development of vegetable fermentation.More informations (in French) at: https://www.vegepolys-valley.eu/projet-flegme/